That year, the winter in Możdżany is exceptionally harsh. The whole village suffers from famine; it is no different for Naderek. When the frost loosens its grip a bit, the woodcutter goes out to the forest for some wood. On his way back, he finds a black chicken under a shrub. The bird is strange: it is huge, it has the wings of a hawk, the legs of a stork and shiny eyes. With human voice, it asks for help and promises a generous reward. The villager half-hearted takes the bird home, warms it up and feeds it. The woodcutter’s family is afraid of the talking animal. They see Evil in it. During the night, the chicken lays a golden egg, with which it wants to reward its host for his good heart. But still, Naderek is tormented by doubt. The boy reasons that chickens lay golden eggs at the court, not in a poor village hut. Finally, the woodcutter decides to take the chicken back where he found it. He leaves it under the shrub gently putting down the egg as well. He goes out to cut trees, thinking about the money he will earn with his hard work.
Naderek stepped up his pace. A little more, and the dark wall of the spruce woods will hide his dilemmas.
Jadwiga Tressenberg, „Mazurskie opowieści”